Sunday, November 2, 2008


Hi, my name is Elise and I have a problem, a coffee problem.

I cannot function until I drink at least a pot a coffee. I sit on my couch, watch bad TV and surf the Internet.

Without my coffee, I develop headaches, shakiness, crankiness and a general lack of desire to do anything. I also struggle to read basic words such as the, an and cat.

If I can't get coffee at home, I'm forced to rely on a large Americano with four shots down at the coffee house. It's not even about flirting with a cute guy down there anymore. It's simply about being able to function!

The worst part of my coffee addiction is that I can't even get the coffee I really like here. I can only get Wind Rider from Coffee Traders in Montana, which makes it hard when I run out and I've forgotten to order some. So I wind up drinking bleech coffee from Winco, which is OK, but just not the same.


Jerry Beach said...

Hey did you know the Steelers-Giants game last week drew better numbers than Game Four of the World Series? :D :D

Unknown said...

Coffee Traders is doing it right. Good choice, just don't forget.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I have never heard of Bleech Coffee before.... When at WinCo, I usually go for the Organic Sumatra in the bulk section. It's the best coffee there.

SmearedEyeliner said...

For the record, I don't remember the name of the bleech coffee at Winco. I just go to the store at 2 a.m. and it's always in the same place!

And yea, Coffee Traders is fantastic. It's high up on my "most missed" things in Monday. :(

SmearedEyeliner said...

In Montana, even :P

MLB1974 said...
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MLB1974 said...

Get a Keurig. Best birthday present ever! Great coffee all the time. But be prepared to start placing coffee orders that get dangerously close to going over $100 at a clip. Oh, the dangers of being a coffee addict. BTW, I am sipping a cup of joe made from a commemorative Barack Obama coffee k-cup as I type this. You've got to love crazy marketing...